Cartoons About Senator Santorum, Among Other Things
Plus: Can men be feminists?
I think it's safe to say that I can't think of a single cartoonist I completely and totally disagree with more than Chuck Asay. Sure, there are plenty of cartoonists who are usually so right-wing they make me want to bang my head against a wall in frustration (Glenn McCoy and Bruce Tinsley come to mind), but Mr. Asay takes it to a whole other level. For example, take this ridiculous cartoon about the Santorum flap--if I'm not mistaken, he's making the same stupid slippery slope argument as Rick "if we allow gay sex we might as well allow incest" Santorum. Argh. The funny thing is, Mr. Asay seems to be a little more consistent than those who think heterosexual sex is OK but gay sex isn't--he doesn't approve of sex before marriage, either.
As for cartoons I don't disagree with about Santorum, see Amptoons and Tony Auth.
I didn't blog about Santorum before because I figured my opinion on the man was pretty obvious--he's a bigot, and he should go. But as with the Trent Lott mess, I find myself amazed by all the people (especially gay Republicans) who seem to imagine Santorum is the only homophobic bigot in the GOP. If we're really going to get rid of bigots, could we please start with Ashcroft, who is as racist as Trent Lott, as homophobic as Santorum, and just as powerful (or MORE powerful) than either? (Patriot Act II, anyone?)
In other cartoons worth reading...
Ted Rall explains why the U.S. hasn't found any of those weapons of mass destruction: they're concealed by a Romulan cloaking device, of course. And he also has this depressing cartoon about Bechtel. Scott Bateman on how cutting dividend taxes helps the little people. Lloyd Dangle wonders how much more brazen Bush and Co. can get. Stephanie McMillan on objectivity in journalism. Ward Sutton on patriotism, and Laura Bush (be warned that this one is really gory). David Rees has a new "Get Your War On" page (this one is MANDATORY, people). And Tom Tomorrow has a short history of Bechtel, Republicans and Iraq.
Can men be feminists?
My feeling is: yes. But do check out the post and discussion on the topic over Amptoons.
My first poster sale!
A big thanks to Susan over at for being the first customer (besides my mom) at Mikhaela's Cartoon Depot.
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