My book almost sold out!
And other odds and ends.
If you're wondering why I haven't been blogging, I've been busy signing and mailing out copies of my book, thanks to Atrios and Tom Tomorrow's kind mentions in their respective blogs. (I've also been apartment-hunting in Brooklyn). There are only FOUR, count 'em, FOUR copies left. I'm not sure I can afford to print up more (unless I get at least 20 or so requests), so when those are gone: that's all, folks. (update: they're all gone)
Random sidenote: as I was writing this I was listening to NPR and heard a clip from the White House Resident defending his lies with the following highly intelligent remark: "I think the intelligence I get is darn good intelligence." DARN GOOD? Well, if Dubya says something is "darn good" enough for him, than gosh, it's "darn good" enough for me! Who needs proof when something is darn good...?
I hereby direct you to Ted Rall's Moral Clarity Department. He's one of the few cartoonists I've seen who hasn't just gone ahead and drawn the more demure flag-draped coffins (I'm guilty of that). And while on this topic, Daryl Cagle's site has a collection of Bring 'Em On cartoons and "White House Lies" cartoons.
On a totally different topic...
I don't get it: this is supposed to be an antigay cartoon?
I know Chuck Asay is an antigay cartoonist--when the sodomy ruling came down, he did a cartoon saying the ruling left the door open for incest and so on. He's always doing cartoons about nasty gay rights activists harassing poor innocent heterosexuals. From other cartoons he's done I KNOW he's against same-sex marriage.
But I look at this supposedly anti-same-sex marriage cartoon, and I'm really puzzled. The cartoon shows two families, identical except that one has a mother and father and the other two fathers. The parents seem equally loving, the children equally happy.
The caption asks: "Which institution do YOU think is best equipped to raise children?" and I suppose the viewer is supposed to just automatically think "well, the straight family" (sadly, many and even most Americans would probably have this reaction). Maybe viewers are even supposed to be horrified by the idea of homosexual men holding children. But the picture seems to imply BOTH are equally equipped, so I have to say this one fails as a piece of anti-gay propaganda.
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