It's here! It's here!
And you can buy it from me, sort of!
Possible New York book-signing party in April, I think...

I think I'm going to faint. Yours truly, in a real book?!!! A book with Keith Knight, Alison Bechdel, David Rees, and Aaron McGruder (of Boondocks fame)!?
Attitude 2 includes cartoons I did for the Boston Phoenix (such as Wartime ABC's) as well as some I did for Bay Windows and the Harvard Crimson.
The book also includes cartoons by and interviews with Jennifer Berman, Max Cannon, Barry Deutsch, Emily S. Flake, Marian Henley, Justin Jones, Tim Kreider, Kevin Moore, Stephen Notley, Eric Orner, Greg Peters, Mikhaela Blake Reid (yeah, that's me), Neil Swaab, Brian Sendelbach, Tak Toyoshima, Shannon Wheeler and Jason Yungbluth.
Anyway, if you know me personally and/or live in the New York area, please order the book from me (I get a cut that way, and you get an autograph). I'm going to set up a Paypal link for that soon, but until then,