As August says, this is criminal ignorance. Also, did you know it is Tom Tomorrow's 44th birthday today?

As August says, this is criminal ignorance. Also, did you know it is Tom Tomorrow's 44th birthday today?
New Cartoon: "Profiles in Conservative Courage #273"
Plus: MOCCA panel in NYC, Monday April 11
Here's the toon, and here are the details on the MOCCA thing (I know I'm not listed but trust me, I'm going to be there):
P.S. If you want to get new cartoons by email (it's faster, trust me), please join my mailing list by sending a blank message to And yes, I'm still selling signed books.
Patients' rights to prescription meds enforced by emergency order
Good news from Illinois (link via Atrios):
Gov. Rod Blagojevich filed an emergency rule Friday requiring pharmacies that sell contraceptives to fill prescriptions for birth control quickly, following recent incidents in which a Chicago pharmacist refused to fill orders for contraceptives because of moral opposition.And the article is much more sensibly written than that hideous Washington Post piece I referred to earlier. (Which has already inspired a spoof piece)."Our regulation says that if a woman goes to a pharmacy with a prescription for birth control, the pharmacy or the pharmacist is not allowed to discriminate or to choose who he sells it to or who he doesn't sell it to," Blagojevich said. "The pharmacy will be expected to accept that prescription and fill it ... No delays. No hassles. No lectures."
Plus, Ann Telnaes has a great cartoon on the subject over at Women's eNews.
Breakup Lines for the Bush Era T-shirts and tote bags now available...
And original Mikhaela toons for cheap, you know you want one!
My second T-shirt selling attempt (the first one was mostly cancelled when I realized that the shirts might be construed as homophobic, but if you still want a BrickBob GayBash T-shirt, I've still selling one version).
I am of course also still selling signed copies of Attitude 2 (sure it's cheaper through Amazon, but it won't be SIGNED and won't include a lovely original sketch that way, now will it?).
Speaking of originals, if you want to buy my original cartoon artwork, it can be yours for as low as $80 (for single panel pieces) or $115 (for multi-panel pieces) as part of the special "Mikhaela needs to raise money to attend cartooning conventions" sale. Get it now while it's cheap and sell it on eBay when people actually know who the heck I am. Every original is signed and comes with a high-quality archival color print of the final cartoon, also signed. Just email me if you're interested and let me know which cartoon you're thinking about. I can also sell the color prints by themselves for $15 (plus shipping and whatnot).
Over at, Eric has an example of a Mikhaela original he purchased before and after, but I assure you that my latest originals are much prettier than that, that was from when I was still in college and drawing with pens rather than a brush.
Oh, and I also highly recommend you check out Andy Singer's new book, the first in the Attitude Presents series. It's totally deranged, in a good way. And Jen Sorensen also has a new book "America Gone Bonkers", also good and also deranged.
And don't forget to write to my papers if you see a cartoon you dig...