New Cartoon: "Inside the Sick World of a Serial Bomber"
A chilling account of lies, torture, and groundless war

(click detail to see full cartoon)
Yes, it's redundant to blog my cartoons, but I'm particularly happy with this one. I suggest you read it outloud to yourself in your best concerned news anchor voice. For a long time I was following a steady diet of NPR and PBS, and it was making my cartoons far too reasonable and intellectual. On Ted Rall's advice I've begun watching lots more CNN and even FOX in the last two weeks, and this cartoon is the result. You don't hear about Paula Abdul's "year-long battle with fingernail fungus" on The News Hour With Jim Lehrer, that's for sure!
P.S. If you want to get new cartoons by email (it's faster, trust me), please join my mailing list by sending a blank message to And yes, I'm still selling signed books.