Boston-area readers, please help save Mikhaela's cartoons!
I've mentioned before how crucial letters to the editor are in keeping cartoons in a newspaper. Lately the Boston Phoenix (my first paying client and my largest-circulation paper) has had quite a space crunch, resulting in my cartoons not appearing for a few months. But I am still drawing and submitting them. So if you dig my cartoons and want to keep seeing them in the Phoenix, PLEASE write a nice letter to the editor letting them know how much you miss me and look forward to my cartoons every other week (address is . And tell your friends and anyone else who digs my work. So you can keep reading cartoons like Conservative Children's Classics, Bush vs. My Cat, Guzzle-icious Spring Fashions, Every Sperm is Sacred, Your Yucky Body and many more!
Please! Pretty please?
Or else my little kitty-kat will get all stressed out and CRY and have another asthma attack like this one! (He really does have asthma, and this is an actual coughing fit he had on Masheka's shoulder, poor baby... so I got vet bills to pay folks!)

If you're not a Boston-area reader, you can still help me out with my other papers or websites. And I will adore you forever.
P.S. If you do write a letter, feel free to forward me a copy, I'm curious!