C.W.A. @ SPX
Photo fun from our book-signing and SPX appearances!
For more, see the whole gallery.

C.W.A. @ SPX
Photo fun from our book-signing and SPX appearances!
For more, see the whole gallery.
Mikhaela Blogging Average Hits an All-Time High...
Welcome new visitors!
Thanks to links from Counterpunch and WhatReallyHappened, I had more than 5,000 unique vistors today, an all-time high. Wow.
P.S. Sorry for the dorky headline, but the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an all-time high this week, so, er... nevermind.
New Cartoons: More Naughty Republican Messages
+ Real-Estate Within Reach!
I almost drew (and may still draw if this scandal has legs) a cartoon about how the GOP has tried the old "blame-the-gays" trick on two fronts: (1) claiming that they didn't want to expose Foley's behaviour for fear of being accused of gay-bashing (oh please) and (2) all that tolerance and diversity promoted by anti-war feminist gay liberals has created sexual predators.
But in the end, I wanted to focus on even bigger scandals, like last week's horrific pro-torture legislation that takes away a detainee's right to challenge his/her imprisonment, otherwise known as the writ of habeas corpus. (See also new cartoons by Stephanie McMillan and David Rees).
A few notes: "Rumstud" is a real nickname Bush uses for Rumsfeld. And just to make sure no actual IM users got harassed thanks to this cartoon, I either registered for all these names or made them too long to be real. So if you ever want to chat with Rumstud1984 or KingGeorgie101, I'm afraid you're out of luck. Also, 2,730 (in the dead soldier's name) was the number of American troops killed in Iraq as of this cartoon's writing.
Here's a somewhat lighter cartoon for Chelsea Now. Sure the real-estate balloon/bubble/souffle is deflating, but home prices outpaced incomes for so long that now only the well-off can afford to buy in Manhattan (and most of Brooklyn).
P.S. Join my weekly mailing list by sending a blank message to newtoons-subscribe@mikhaela.net!
Mikhaela now in Chelsea Now!
Newspaper for the Chelsea neighborhood in Manhattan
The cartoonist for the Villager has returned from a short sabbatical, but I'll still be doing NYC-area cartoons for brand-new community newspaper Chelsea Now. My skinny jeans cartoon ran in the first issue last week, and I'll have a new cartoon in this week's issue.
The especially fun thing about this is that my first year in NYC I lived in a crowded (four women in a three-bedroom) fifth-floor walkup in a lovely Chelsea brownstone (oooh, exposed brick!) on 22nd Street, so now I get to cartoon about my old haunts.
Mark Your Calendars, NYC and DC!
SPX + MoCCA fun in October
The above is the fancy new Cartoonists With Attitude convention banner, and as my cat discovered from his little inspection tour, it looks fantastic. Speaking of C.W.A...