Our Green Brain Comics Signing in Dearborn ROCKED!

Goofing Off at Green Brain: Green Brain Comics owners Katie and Dan Merritt (on outside) with Mikhaela Reid & Masheka Wood

Eric Millikin ("Fetus-X") & Sean Bieri ("Jape"); Mikhaela and Masheka outside Green Brain Comics in Dearborn, MI

Anyway, the signing ROCKED. We put it together on really short notice, and a beautiful sunny June Saturday is hardly a good day for a comics signing, but we got a great and enthusiastic turnout. (I was so worried it wouldn't happen at all due to me being so ill, but I pulled it together and despite having almost no voice, coughed and sniffled my way through my portion of the slideshow!)
We also got to hang out and talk shop with notorious "Fetus-X" creator Eric Millikin, "Jape" cartoonist Sean Bieri (who also wrote a really cool piece about me for the Metro Times, "Drawing Ire"), and the famous Cynicalman himself, Matt Feazell. We even did a comics jam on a piece of pita!
If you are ever in even the vague general Detroit/Dearborn area, run and do not walk to Green Brain Comics, and tell Dan and Katie we sent you! What a great store!
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