Pam debunks all that "Post-Racial Election" nonsense the media has been drinking
Labels: cwa, elections, media, race and racism

Labels: cwa, elections, media, race and racism
Ms. Reid,Here's my response:I was shocked this week when I found that even Lloyd Dangle broke away from savaging Republicans, for a change. I was so excited that I immediately went to your latest offering to see if you might have found something, besides Republicans, to ridicule. No, nope, nyet...uh-uh. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of stupidity and objectionable behavior in my beloved Republican party; but, have you never found something worth mining for your cartoons among the Democrats? I here the Daily Kos is looking for a house cartoonist. You would be perfect for the job!
P.S. I made up the bit about the Daily Kos looking for a cartoonist, but the rest is fairly accurate!
Dear Gene,On another note, it'd be awesome if any of the big-time weblogs really did decide to start paying for cartoons. Hint, hint.Thanks for the thoughtful letter. It’s true that I spend a good majority of my cartoon energy criticizing Republicans, but I’ve got my reasons.
(1) They’re the party in power, with control—and the job of a satirist is to critique those in power. I wasn’t a cartoonist yet when Clinton was in office, but I guarantee you would have attacked him mercilessly. I’m looking forward to seeing a Democrat in the White House so I can critique him/her, believe you me. Not that I really like any of the Democratic frontrunners—but unlike the GOP slate, at least they don’t actively terrify me.
(2) Sure there are powerful Democrats who have their faults—spinelessness, ineffectiveness, poor organizational skills, lack of integrity, and so forth. I’ve done cartoons in the last year critiquing Clinton (Hillary), Pelosi, Barney Frank, Edwards, Obama and others, and I criticized John Kerry in the runup to the 2004 election.
(3) BUT I only draw one or two cartoons a week, and I’d rather go after what pisses me off the most in one given week. That tends to be things like torture, war, and anti-gay legislation, most of which generally come from the GOP.
All that said, watching Clinton and Obama sling mud at each other lately has been making me ill. So maybe you’ll see some of what you were hoping for sooner than you think.
P.S. The reader wrote back saying he appreciated my response very much, and signed his letter "a grudging fan." Nice!
Labels: cartoons, immigration
How much do those two words together scare you? I'm really sick of the media ignoring what a Falwell-loving Darwin-hating fundamentalist Huckabee is just because he gets photographed playing guitars and wants the Rolling Stones to play at his inauguration. Blech. Here's the quote from the NYT magazine piece that inspired this cartoon:
Huckabee ordered soup and a sandwich without drama or comment and began talking about rock ’n’ roll. This is his regular warm-up gambit with reporters of a certain age, meant to convey that he is a cool guy for a Baptist preacher. Naturally I fell for it, and asked who he would like to play at his inaugural. ‘‘I’ve got to start with the Stones,’’ Huckabee said.This cartoon is part of a long drawn-out series, by the way... See also: "President Giuliani: The Early Years." Now I've got to do one on McCain (and maybe one on Clinton).
Seriously, GM actually unveiled a new "green" HUMMER at the Detroit auto show. But a little ethanol usage does not an environmentally friendly monster SUV make. We've got to rethink transportation on a much deeper level than that.
Labels: auto industry, cartoons, cwa, detroit, environment
Fun fact: This is the first time I've published a political cartoon featuring me and Masheka.
And in case you're wondering why I'm fantasizing about alien lizard queens eating the president, Ted Rall recently introduced me to the wonderful 80s science fiction miniseries V, about fascist man-eating lizards who do just that. I highly recommend it.
Oh, and I haven't ever actually broken the TV, though I have given it many satisfactory verbal tongue-lashings.
Another cartoon from December.
I haven't actually observed any such exchanges in person, but there were plenty of wacko online blog commenters whose first reaction to a noose incident is always to claim that the victim faked it for publicity. By the way, were you aware of just HOW many noose incidents there have been lately? And how many were in NYC? Crazy.
I'm sure they'd argue that Emmett Till beat himself to death for the attention, too. Jerks.
It's "Rowdy" Mitt Romney vs. Mike "The Minister" Huckabee!
This is a cartoon from December I hadn't gotten around to posting. Are you as scared of these dudes as I am?
Labels: cartoons, cwa, evolution, fundamentalism, LGBT, religion
Labels: meta
As for the remaining GOP candidates, I honestly don't know who scares me more. Fake Maverick "100 years in Iraq!" McCain, Mike "Not Descended from a Monkey" Huckabee, Crazy Giuliani or Multiple-Choice Mitt. Maybe Huckabee and Giuliani are my top two nightmares, with Mitt a close second.
Labels: elections
And here was my initial rough sketch:
Labels: cwa, illustration, LGBT
The awesome LGBT rights organization Lambda Legal has put together a beautiful 2008 calendar featuring the cartoons from the Life Without Fair Courts Series (most drawn by me, but also some by Greg Fox, Ted Rall, Matt Bors and others!). Learn about a different crucial Supreme Court victory each month--and what might have happened had it gone the wrong way. The money raised goes to Lambda Legal's vital work, of course.
Labels: cwa, LGBT, merchandise