Toon: Hipster Hobbies of Tomorrow

I don't actually know if anyone really knits from human back hair, though there are books available about how to knit from spun dog and cat hair.
I'm not hating on crafts or DIY culture, by the way--quite the opposite. I'm obsessed with making things--I love to knit and sew, and I obsessively read Craft and Readymade and a whole host of sewing, knitting and crafting blogs. I love that there is a resurgence of interest among youngerish people (i.e. 20s, 30s and younger) in knitting and sewing stylish and modern garments and accessories. I love browsing on Etsy and going to the Renegade Craft Fair and the Bust Craftacular and I love the Stitch & Bitch knitting books.
What I AM poking gentle fun at is how many weird hoops some craftsters jump through to give crafts with a fuddy-duddy reputation an "edgy" or "subversive" makeover. Like knitting skulls onto things or making fauxhawk hats. This often results in a sea of lookalike "subversive" projects all made from the same exact pattern.
But whatever. That's still better than purchasing a mass-produced skull-adorned product at the mall. And if a knitted skull is what it takes to get someone to pick up some yarn, then more power to them.
The real point here is that I just wanted to do a cartoon about crafting because I'm sick of the elections.