Toon: Barack Obama, Fierce Advocate of LGBT Rights!

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Disappointed, yes. Surprised? Not really.
For more angry venting, you must watch and/or read the bad-ass speech my pal Jaclyn Friedman gave at the Boston Dyke March on this topic. A sampling:
That Presidential Proclamation? It would sure sound sweeter if it were backed up by actual action to end discrimination against gay, lesbian, bi and trans Americans willing to DIE in service of our country's military whims. And it would be more than a little helpful if Obama would stop caving to the religious right and start condemning marriage discrimination, instead of defending it like he did today.Of course, marriage rights themselves would be a lot less important if quality, competent health care was available to every person in this country regardless of marital status, income, age, race, sexual orientation or gender identity. But who needs universal health care when you've got a shiny proclamation that proves the president knows we exist? He likes us! He really likes us.
Even the HRC is getting feisty about Obama's odd—Clintonian, even!—interpretation of "fierce advocacy."
P.S. Rachel Maddow is so rocking this topic:

Hmmm, yes, what ABOUT that universal health care??? seems that has been swept under the rug for the time being...
Just to ask, mikhaela, shouldn't same-sex marriage issues be left up to individual states. I'm all for equal rights for gay couples, and they should have the right to marry and start a family with the same benefits as straight couples, but if you look at the Constitution, the federal government has no authority over this issue.
No, it shouldn't be a state issue any more than interracial marriage--discrimination shouldn't be allowed anywhere. My marriage would have been illegal in many states until Loving vs. Virginia, and I don't think anyone should have had to wait around quietly until Alabama finally decided to be OK with interracial marriage.
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