Cartoon: Once upon a swine...

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I'm 100% for the vaccine and plan to get it ... if it EVER becomes available. So many of the pieces I've seen debating for or against the vaccine seem to be missing the fact that even high-risk groups (such as folks with asthma) haven't been able to get it yet. I've been calling my doctor's office and several New York h1n1 hotlines for weeks and they have no clue when they'll have it available.
Also, Bill Maher and Glenn Beck are idiots. Would have drawn them both into the last panel but there just wasn't room.

I don't follow which talking head says what (in the newsmedia), but that's one hilarious Bill Maher.
Thanks Ayo--he's been all over the media and Twitter telling people not to get vaccinated.
What is up with Maher anyway? He's like Tom Cruise. Just eat right and exercise and you'll never get swine flu!
Maher rejects the fact-free nature of religion but swallows the fact-free nature of anti-vaccination and distrust of 'western medicine.' Amazingly, Richard Dawkins doesn't care.
Thanks for slamming Beck and Maher. They're two of the biggest idiots out there, and I really hate that they make real libertarians like me look crazy by comparison.
you could have made him a multi-headed idiot that included Bill Maher, I'm sure folks would have appreciated that.
Sincerely, I still can't get the whole thing straight, 'cause I'm getting divergent information on a daily basis. I live in Italy, and we're having the same problem with vaccine supplies. Our government says that this "swine" flu is not that dangerous, but we should vaccinate anyway. So they've bought the vaccine, but it's still hard to be found.
Meanwhile, people isn't vaccinating because most doctors here declared they are not going to, since this new flu is - according to them - even less dangerous than "normal" flu.
The government is pretty ambiguos: they bought the vaccine, they ask people to vaccinate, but they also hired Topo Gigio (serious) to explain the masses that swine flu can be easily countered by washing your hands and such.
Funny pictures, good kind oa black humor.
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