Cartoon: Haitian Cruise
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Seriously? They seriously claim this is the BEST way to help, sunning in a fenced-in resort 60 miles from hundreds of thousands of people in desperate need of immediate aid? Meanwhile, Doctors Without Borders had difficulty getting their mobile hospital supplies into Port-Au-Prince...
Caption: Royal Caribbean cruise ships continue to dock in Haiti
Dialogue: Buying trinkets in a fenced-in resort is the LEAST we can do for those lovely unfortunate people! Absolutely! More champagne, darling?
umm, coming from a small town in Alaska that been blessed with tourism that these big boats bring, I can understand how they are helping.
You would be surprised to learn how much small island economies benefit from the cruise industry.
So all vacations should be canceled? How is vacationing there any different from vacationing somewhere else? The Haitians are suffering while another group is having fun.
At least if you buy a few trinkets in Haiti, they get some money.
I do have to agree with Robert and salmon. Cruises and tourists can bring in a lot of revenue, which, in turn, can be used to help those in need.
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