Stuffed Doodles! + Pix from East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention...

Masheka and I recently (well, two months ago) made it out to our first post-baby cartooning convention, the East Coast Black Age of Comics Con in Philadelphia. I wasn't exhibiting my own cartoons, so I decided to sew up some little softies with Masheka's drawings on them since I had already designed the fabric for Z's Blue Doodle Hoodie.
They're really simple--just upholstery fabric, stuffing, etc. In progress:

They sold quite well, though some folks thought they were cat toys--maybe next time (for the Small Press Expo) we'll put catnip in them. Family shots:

P.S. Yeah, I know. No cartoons in a while. But I work full time, so I give all my attention to the baby girl (well, toddler now!) when I get home in the evenings. I'll get back to it when she gets a little bigger, never fear.
Labels: conventions